Estou animado soooooo! Luns finalmente recibín o meu agasallo de Nadal / B-day…unha nova Nikon D3100 DSLR completo co stock de 18-55mm Nikkor AF-S VR, así como a DX VR AF-S f/4-5.6G Zoom-Nikkor 55-200mm IF-ED Lens e algunhas outras golosinas sorte. Pode dicir neno nunha tenda de doces!

Agora podo dicir que eu son, non a través de un fotógrafo. Ata recentemente, eu tiña pouco interese en fotografía e nunca nada mellor que a propiedade dun punto e tirar cámara; e eu non era tan sequera particularmente boa con ese. Iso comezou a cambiar cando a miña filla naceu 8 meses. Comece a Quere facer fotos do seu especial, pero tamén doutras cousas. Entón eu comecei a comer Bangkok e si, podo entender que é a miña habilidade, que fan a diferenza na miña foto, pero eu sentín que eu debería polo menos ter ferramentas decente para me axudar a ser todo o que eu podería ser como un fotógrafo. Ademais son un cara e vostedes saben coma nós amamos nosos caros xoguetes electrónicos!
Pase algún tempo mirando para as diferenzas entre as cámaras SLR. serie de Canon Rebel XT é unha cámara moi boa, pero ao final do día sentín Nikon foi unha cámara mellor global, non necesariamente porque o corpo é mellor, pero eu sentín que as lentes Nikkor son mellores (aínda que waaay caros, en moitos casos). Así, Actualmente eu fun deixar de escoller entre a Nikon D90 ea Nikon D3100 (que é o que eu teño). Como podo escoller entre os dous?
Para ser honesto por máis estas contas son moi semellantes a cámara. As principais diferenzas son sensores, compatibilidade de lentes, monitores, Capacidade de vídeo HD, e autofoco a tempo completo para o vídeo.
A D3100 bate a D90 por 1.9 Megapixels con ela sensor 14.2MP. Non é grande, pero é algo. A D3100 tamén ten o mellor desenvolvemento de ISO elevado, importante fotos se está a tomar en pouca luz que eu vou estar.
En termos de compatibilidade de lentes da D90 é a man gañadora para abaixo, cunha ressalva. Eu digo o gañador, porque a D90 vai foco automático con calquera lente Nikkor, mentres que o D3100 só foco automático coa nova (e máis caro) As lentes AF-S. Se eu xa tiña unha morea de lentes antigas, isto pode ser unha preocupación para min, pero sempre que eu estou apenas empezando, non tanto. Eu tamén creo que queda máis vello lento que eu son forzado o enfoque manual (Estou pensando a lente de 50mm f1.8 principal) será bo para o meu desenvolvemento como fotógrafo.
O monitor é unha gran diferenza nesas dúas cámaras tamén. A D90 ten o profesional da clase 920,000 a resolución do monitor que é doce, mentres que o D3100 ven con unha resolución moi inferior da pantalla. Estou pensando en usar a pantalla de calquera maneira, entón isto para min é outra cuestión que non. O monitor de alta resolución con certeza sería bo, pero non é necesario.
A continuación, chegamos ata a capacidade de vídeo HD. A D3100 ten capacidade 1080p brillante filme full HD, mentres que o D90 está lonxe só con 720p capacidades. Para asegurarse de que o D90 é un modelo máis antigo e foi o primeiro en Nikon recurso HD capacidade do filme en todos os, pero este día o D3100 vitorias. E para adoçar o pote D3100 posúe foco automático a tempo completo para ir xunto coas películas HD 1080p!
Considerándose que eu estarei usando a cámara, tanto para fotografía de alimentos aquí, así como facer pequenos filmes (si eu estou facendo películas desde Bangkok) funcionamento de películas en HD foi un divisor de augas para min. Ademais, a D3100 é un par cen dólares máis barato que a D90, o que sempre axuda.
Así, que foi o meu proceso de pensamento na elección dunha cámara DSLR novo para axudar a me facer un mellor fotógrafo de todos nós.
Estou descubrindo que moitos de vós sacar fotos para os seus blogs tamén e estou curioso para saber que tipo de cámara que está a usar na actualidade. Tamén, se o custo non foi unha cuestión que cámara pensas que quere empregar? Eu vou estar ansioso para as respostas e podo dicirlle que mañá vai ter un reflexo de algunhas das primeiras fotos que tirei co meu novo bebé.
Non hai artigos relacionados.
I own a DSLR EOS Rebel XT which was my fun camera from when I did freelance years and years ago (I also carried around whichever camera my boss had me use at the time which was on a much higher tier than my little Rebel.), but I can’t use it for my blog anymore since I lost the charger!
And I’m too stubborn to spend the 50 bucks to get a new one (I know for sure I’ll find it eventually, even though it’s been missing for years)
Right now, I have a little best-buy pocket camera (Insignia 10 MP) that I use. It’s not great, but it does the job just fine.
Having an SLR would be great, because I can manually adjust things like the ap and shutter speed, but other than that, it’s all about the set-up for taking pictures. I’m sure I could make perfectly nice shots with the insignia if I took the time to fix the lighting and stuff, but most of my pictures I take are on the fly as I struggle to get a picture of the cookies before my son snags one off the plate.
When I was in photography school, we had a guy that was a friend of the man who was in charge of the dark room. He was a very good, professional photo-artist and, while he still did a lot with 35mm, he did a lot of very good stuff with a simple pocket camera. He didn’t even own a DSLR, but his stuff came out great because he had complete control of the lighting and composition and he knew what he was doing. I learned a lot from him.
Anyway, I’m done sounding like a smart-ass now. Good luck, and have fun with that camera.
Lubos from here. Haha, looks like we both got new cameras
Yes it sure does
Looks like we’re both pretty pleased too. The long exposure shot of your neighbors house was quite impressive!
wowowoooow!! love your camera features.. and am sure that your daughter will appreciate all her photos when she grows up – thanks for inspiring me – i still take photos with my point and shoot – and i am an extremely addicted taking picture of my two kids – i suck.
oh well, really good thing to see the specs. who knows?
LOL…I suck too, but I’m hoping to improve now that I have a better tool for taking the pictures.
I use a Canon DS-40 most of the time, when I remember to charge it, which is a few years old but not a bad camera. I’d love to upgrade in the next year or so. When I don’t remember to charge it, or I’m out at a restaurant and I’ve got good light coming in the kitchen, I use my iPhone4 cam which does a surprisingly good job.
I’ve heard that the iPhone cam does a pretty good job taking pics even in the low lighting found in restaurants. Judging by the pictures on your site the Canon DS-40 is pretty nice too, even if it’s a few years old.
Thanks! I’m looking forward to reading about what you experience and learn with your new camera set up. Tips are always useful!
Congratulations on the new DSLR! Expecting more and more drooling pictures from now on! =D
Thanks and I can say I’m looking forward to taking more drooling pictures too!
I’m using a Nikon CoolPix L110 that my husband gave me for Christmas this year. It’s perfect for me at this point. I’m not all that techno-savvy, so this is all I can handle. LOL We’re expecting our first grandchild this June, so we will definitely get a lot of use from it. I am looking at improving my photography skills for the blog. Do you have any tips on lighting, backgrounds, etc.?
Hi Tammy,
I think the Coolpix is a very good camera, especially if you don’t want to be bothered with all the camera techno babble that comes along with using a DSLR. I’m sure you get great pictures from it and will enjoy using it to photograph the new grandchild…congrats in advance!
I am a rank beginner when it comes to photography, but plan on learning as much as possible so while I don’t have tips now on lighting, backgrounds, etc., I will be learning and posting my experiences and new knowledge here so stay tuned.
Thanks for this! Some time in the next few months I will be purchasing a DSLR camera. I’ve been wanting one for years but am still completely overwhelmed by the purchasing process. Right now I’m using a Canon Elph SD850 – a few years old. Time to upgrade! Enjoy your new toy!
Thanks! I’m completely overwhelmed by the features at this point, but am enjoying it immensely. I’m sure if my daughter could talk she’d be telling me to “knock it off already”.
I think the Canon Elph SD850 is a pretty nice point and shoot so I’m sure you’ve had fun with that. I’ll be looking forward to see what you choose to do in a few months time. The DSLR’s are definitely fun!